Dropping the Mask

The long-awaited inspiring new memoir from the legendary Australian screen icon beloved by all

Cover Art for 9781460759042, Dropping the Mask by Noni Hazlehurst
ISBN: 9781460759042
Publisher: 4th Estate AU
Published: 2 October, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Links Harper Collins
1 other edition of this product
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One of the most iconic Australians - one who has graced our screen and theatres for over forty years - Noni Hazlehurst is finally telling her story. Noni Hazlehurst is an icon. A household name, our best-loved actor, she's graced our screens and theatres with her presence for over forty years - and won our hearts and our respect in the process. From hosting Playschool for more than two decades to acting in films such as Ladies in Black, June Again, Monkey Grip, Candy and Little Fish; serving as host on Better Homes and Gardens, a starring role in fan favourite A Place to Call Home; most recently hosting the SBS miniseries Every Family Has a Secret; all that of course in addition to her theatre work. In some ways, she is an ordinary woman - a single mother to two boys, she knows about sacrifice, stretching thin and juggling. Yet she is clearly also an extraordinary woman - only the second woman to be inducted into the Logies Hall of Fame in 32 years. She is ordinary, she is extraordinary. She is all class. And like Noni herself, this will be no ordinary memoir. A natural-born storyteller, Noni Hazlehurst is funny, fierce, truthful. She's thoughtful and clear-eyed about the world. This memoir will be full, rich, funny, lively, opinionated - and a testament to the power of storytelling.

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